Flu season healing meditation

During flu season I often see posts in my newsfeed about which steps to take to ward off the flu. Natural remedies, usually: anything from standing on my head to wrapping my feet in onions. Not that I am against any of those things, but what I find is that almost all of them support the mind virus that you are at war with your body. There is an implied message in many of these posts that your body is not very smart, adaptable, or resilient, and it’s up to you to keep it away from all these dangers. But your body IS its own intelligent entity, and an entity that you are in a very important relationship with…for life.


Lately I have been viewing things from a different angle. Instead of waging war on GMOs, how about I train my body to adapt to GMOs? Instead of educating the public on which carcinogens to avoid, how about I sit down with my body and guide it on how to adapt to them, to evolve the immune system, grow, get stronger, smarter, and learn to overcome?


Let me paint a picture for you:


Imagine you have a daughter who is a ninja warrior athlete. You love nothing more than to go to her competitions and cheer her on as she jumps the hurdles, climbs the walls, swings through poles, and ducks and dodges obstacles. Each time she gets through one part of the course you cheer, when you see her struggling to finish you shout out words of encouragement. You let her know she can do it.


Now imagine your immune system is that girl. And she’s running an obstacle course called viral infection. For a moment, set aside your personal discomfort and cheer her on. Visualize her doing her best, running, jumping, ducking and dodging. Maybe even getting tired, feeling like quitting, and needing backup…from YOU.


Take a bit of time to really cheer her on. Let her know she can do it, give her a pep talk, cheer from the bleachers, jump up and down in excitement for her. Because you love her and you want her to get through this. Let her know you are on her side, there for her, supporting her fully. Let her know you believe in her, that she has what it takes to overcome.


What my healing journey has taught me is that my relationship with my body was where the real sickness was; not in my physical symptoms. For me, true healing was repairing that relationship, and falling in love with all the many aspects of the self. Becoming harmonious with my body, mind, and spirit is what I would describe now as the picture of health. That way I am healthy, even when I am in bed with a flu bug, because there is no war going on inside about it. There is collaboration instead.


I would love to invite you to try my flu healing meditation with me: cheer on that ninja warrior in you. Give it a shot, even if you are feeling healthy. Remember that your immune system is a precious part of you. It needs you, and it loves you. Remember that it is doing its best, and is devoted to you. Let your meditation today be a time to give back, and to feel what it’s like to be devoted to your body, in the same way that it is devoted to you.




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