Fascia-Informed Reiki: Level 1 ~ Trauma-Informed Touch and the Fascia Upgrade

Fascia-Informed Reiki is a 3-part series beginning on March 16th, 2025. You are invited to attend all three full day workshops, or if you resonate with 1 or 2 of the levels only, you are most welcome to attend single workshops as stand-alone courses.

What is Fascia-Informed Reiki?

Gentle touch practices have been around for thousands of years and withstood the test of time – and for good reason. They work. And research into the study of the fascial system is finally giving us a glimpse of how and why these ancient methods are effective.

The relevance of fascia to energy is vast! This Usui Reiki course will blend the traditional system of ancient healing with modern research into the role of fascia in other touch therapies. This makes it a great addition to anyone in the helping professions and/or who simply has an interest and curiosity about how energy and fascia are relevant to physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Some of the things you’ll learn are:

The relevance of fascia to energy is vast! This Usui Reiki course will blend the traditional system of ancient healing with modern research into the role of fascia in other touch therapies. This makes it a great addition to anyone in the helping professions and/or who simply has an interest and curiosity of how energy and fascia are relevant to physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Some of the things you’ll learn are:

• How the liquid aspect of your fascial matrix is interwoven with your vital energy system.
• How your brain and nervous system responds to touch via the different receptors embedded within the fascia.
• How your nervous system state is fluid, plastic and influences your thoughts, emotion and even your soft tissues.

In addition to learning the significance of fascia-awareness in touch practices, we will also attend to another very important topic. Trauma-informed touch. In this training, you will learn the basics of polyvagal theory along with other considerations from the field of trauma theory, such as tracking your client’s nervous system for signs of trauma activation and how to respond appropriately. This makes trauma-informed touch relevant to anyone in the manual therapies; if you are a massage therapist, physiotherapist, acupuncturist or practice any of the other manual therapies, you will find this course a useful guide to stay mindful, attuned, and respectful with your clients on many levels.

The fields of fascia, polyvagal theory and trauma-informed practice are moving quickly, so I continuously update this course as new research comes out. My intention is to maintain the integrity of the original tradition while upgrading it to align with modern, evidence-based complementary care models. And most importantly, to share how we can make client care safe: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Registration info:
Come join us for an all-levels Reiki certification program! Beginning again in March 16th, 2025 you can attend all three full day workshops, or just 1 or 2 levels only, as we dive into the history, theory, and technique of Usui Reiki with a fascia-informed approach.

This course ideal for those new to Reiki as well as for experienced practitioners, who I highly recommend attend it as an expansion pack to add some new tools to your already full toolkit! You’ll find out how the liquid aspect of your fascial matrix is interwoven with your vital energy system, as well as how your brain and nervous system responds to touch via the different receptors in the nervous system.
Participants will receive a Reiki certificate and training manual.

Fascia Informed Reiki Professional Certification Level 1:

Date: March 16th, 2025
Hours: 9:00am – 5:30pm
Fee: $133 (Prior to March 1st) $333 (regular rate)
Location: Online
Online Platform: Zoom


For information on levels 2 and 3 click here. 

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