Exciting News! Our Next Myofascial Yoga Certification Programs Begin Fall of 2024.
Welcome to Myofascial Yoga Certifications! Immerse yourself in a transformative journey with programs ranging from 25 to 500 hours. Elevate your yoga classes by integrating cutting-edge science – mindfulness, polyvagal theory, pain science, fascia, biotensegrity, and functional movement.
Registration through Yoga Alliance is still being accepted for the 200- and 300-hour online programs provided you attend 15% of your program through livestream classes. The myofascial yoga program offers a combination of live hours via Zoom in addition to pre-recorded material & online practice sessions.
Special Offer: I am currently offering a discounted price of $850 for the entire 200-hour program! You will have till August 15th to take adganvatge of this one time offer.
Register here:
Myofascial yoga 200-hour teacher training program:
I absolutely loved this course and cannot wait to go on to take the 300hr program. The content is rich and varied and is taught with a wonderful balance of theory and experiential learning. The guest teachers are amazing and there is soooo many additional resources and options for further exploration and education offered. Highly recommend.” — Former student
The 2024/2025 schedule for the 200-hour training can be viewed here.
Note: If you are interested in joining this training and don’t want to wait till October 2024, you can sign up for the online program while you are waiting for the next round of livestream workshops to begin. Email myofascialyoga33@gmail.com and put ONLINE MODULES in the subject line to receive more information about the online, self-paced, program.
Advanced myofascial yoga and biotensegrity 300-hour teacher training program:
I am so fortunate to have studied with Christine. Christine is truly unique in that she teaches yoga within a biotensegrity myofascial model and knows how to embody a trauma-informed approach. This world-class course exceeded my expectations by bringing a lot more to the table than your average yoga school. I highly recommend studying with Christine and her guest teachers.” — Former student
The new 2024/2025 schedule is here!
Payment plans are available, to apply for a payment plan click here and fill out the application form.
Please call Christine for more information or to register: 403-701-9567
Email: journeytolight@gmail.com
*Disclaimer: The yoga therapy components of Myofascial yoga are based on my expertise as a Myofascial Release Therapist and RMT, and are not derived from our status as a RYS with Yoga Alliance Registry.
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