8-week Vagal Toning and Brain Training Challenge!

In an attempt to keep the wave of inspiration going from the recent Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training I am creating an 8-week vagal toning and brain training challenge for you all!

You will receive your exercise every Monday to try out for the week. Each exercise I chose will be based on something we learned at the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training or something I have chosen based on what shows particularly effective through the research we talked about in the training.

8-Week Challenge: https://www.patreon.com/collection/580095


Collections Page: https://www.patreon.com/freelyhuman/collections


(Note, some people have had trouble finding this page through social media links. Your best bet is to join through Patreon and make sure you have your notifications set to receive emails from Patreon, then you can just have your weekly lesson delivered straight to your inbox!)



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