Due to the global pandemic all teacher training programs with the myofascial yoga institute of canada will be held via Zoom until December 2023. Registration through Yoga Alliance is still being accepted for the 200- and 300-hour programs for the current programs running. Due to the financial constraints many of us are facing through this situation prices will be set on a sliding scale until December of 2023. Due to the nature of online learning this program is a combination of live hours via Zoom in addition to pre-recorded material & online practice sessions.
Myofascial yoga 200-hour teacher training program:
The 2022/2023 schedule for the 200-hour training can be viewed here.
Note: If you are interested in joining this training and have missed some of the modules, you can watch the replay and join the group up to January 2023.
Advanced myofascial yoga and biotensegrity 300 hour teacher training program:
The 2023 scedule for the 300-hour training can be viewed here.
Payment plans are available.
Please call Christine for more information or to register: 403-701-9567
Email: journeytolight@gmail.com
*Disclaimer: The yoga therapy components of Myofascial yoga are based on my expertise as a Myofascial Release Therapist and RMT, and are not derived from our status as a RYS with Yoga Alliance Registry.
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