Usui Reiki Certification Programs

Reiki Level’s 1, 2 and 3 certification programs

Come join us for an all levels Reiki certification program! Beginning in September 2019 over the course of four Tuesday evenings, we will dive into the history, theory and technique of Usui Reiki. You can attend all three levels or just jump in for the levels you are needing. However even if you have Reiki 1 and 2, I’d recommend starting over from level 1! While this is a traditional Usui Reiki course, I will be adding in some additional science and theory from the world of fascia research and neuroscience.

In addition to the regular Usui Reiki curriculum, find out how the liquid aspect of your fascial matrix is interwoven with your vital energy system, as well as how your brain and nervous system responds to touch via the different receptors in the nervous system.

Participants will receive a Reiki certificate and training manual.



Tuesday evenings 6-9
Cost: $333 per level* 
Level 1: September 24th – October 15th 
Level 2: November 5th – November 26th 
Level 3: January 14th – February 4th
*If registering for all 3 levels $799



Level 1: $333

Level 2: $333

Level 3: $333




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Reiki Certification Programs

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