Myofascial Yoga and Pranayama Weekend Intensive

This weekend intensive will cover the bio-mechanics of breathing and Myofascial self-treatment releases for the ribs, thoracic spine, and neck. If you have upper body tension, shoulder pain, headaches, or simply an interest in the purpose of healthy yogic breathing, this weekend is for you!

Topics covered include:

~ Why increased mobility and correct alignment of the rib cage affect the ability to breathe and to gain the full benefits of a pranayama practice
~ Advanced pranayama techniques
~ How to teach pranayama to beginners
~ Why functional breathing is important for overall health and well-being
~ Basic breathing bio-mechanics
~ Anatomy and function of the respiratory diaphragm, as well as the pelvic, cranial and cervical diaphragms
~ Myofascial self-treatment releases for the rib cage, upper spine, and neck
~ Myofascial adjustments and corrective yoga poses for releasing tension in the shoulders and upper back

Date: August 21st & 22nd
Hours: Monday & Tuesday 9am – 5pm
Location: Okotoks Alberta, Journey to Light Wellness
Phone: 403-701-9567 (text messages are welcome)
Investment: $333

Register now:

Myofascial Yoga Modules

Christine’s myofascial yoga teacher training is outstanding. She not only brings a huge wealth of knowledge and expertise to this area but she presents it in such a way that the average person can understand it. Christine’s passion for this area is so evident in her yoga classes, her yoga teacher training and her myofascial treatments. I believe that the myofascial yoga teacher training has ultimately had a profound effect on how I deal with my physical body as well as my mental and spiritual being.
Thanks so much Christine for your gentle spirit and kind nature and all that you do to promote the myofascial way. Please keep offering this training, doing your retreats and your treatments to people. It is making a huge impact!! ~ Dianne



Many healings of other physical troubles have occurred in my clients after they started to integrate breathing practices into their lives. There is a simple but encompassing reason that may explain this. The human body is designed to discharge 70% of its toxins through breathing. Only a small percentage of toxins are discharged through sweat, defecation and urination. If your breathing is not operating at peak efficiency, you are not ridding yourself of toxins properly.” – Gay Hendricks, PhD


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