Did you know that almost all biological tissues are viscoelastic? What’s that mean? In simplistic terms it means we are soft-matter beings. It also means we are highly adaptable creatures. Our bodies are built to be resilient. We are soft, round, and squishy for a really good reason. Think of a squishy toy that you […]

Benefits of Balance
Did you know that improving your balance can also boost your mood, decrease pain, improve cognitive function and prevent injury? I’ve always been a fan of balance exercises, but when I started learning about functional movement and proprioceptive training exercises, I started to appreciate exactly why they make you feel so good! What is proprioception? […]

The Fascia-Pain Connection: How Adding Pressure to your Yoga Practice can Unwind your Pain
Did you know that you can train your brain to perceive pain differently? As a mindful somatic therapist, and a self-proclaimed fascia nerd, I’ve spent years researching and experimenting with myofascial tools like balls in yoga. I’ve discovered some surprisingly effective and innovative techniques that go beyond just self-massage. In this article, I’m going to […]

Joyful Movement
Do you want to learn how to unwind your fascia and get inspired for new and enjoyable ways to move your body? I used to always find exercise to be a chore. I knew it was good for me, but I also knew it was going to hurt. I dreaded dragging myself to my yoga […]

Myofascial Anatomy Weekend Intensive
If you are an anatomy geek or fascia lover, this workshop is for you! During this weekend intensive we will cover basic myofascial anatomy and how it pertains to yoga, biotensegrity and functional movement. We will discuss fascia theory, while also devoting a portion of class time to exploring this knowledge experientially […]

Science of Breath
Do you love learning about fascia anatomy and functional movement? Have you been wondering about exactly how breath awareness and function stimulates the vagus nerve and calms the central nervous system? Are you a yoga teacher and curious about creative ways to cue for safety, connection and regulation? Intuitively we’ve known for thousands of years that […]

Inside Out Yoga Adjustments
Often when we hear the term “yoga adjustment” we picture something hands on, externally focused, and with the overall intention of fixing something that’s gone wrong in a yoga pose. Taking a good look at the wonderful world of fascia means approaching yoga poses in a backward and inverse way from what we are used […]

Head Tilt!
Did you know that humans have many cues imbedded in our social engagement system that communicate with others non-verbally? Head tilting and eye crinkling are a few of the cues from our social engagement system that ripple through our whole body by way of the fascial system. Want to feel it for yourself? Try this […]

300-Hour RYT Program: Free Information Night
The advanced Myofascial Yoga RYT program begins in early 2022! If you are keen to learn more about biotensegrity, fascia, neuroscience and mindful movement, this training program is for you! Come join us for 2 hours of practice, Q & A and community discussion to learn more! Come join us for an hour of myofascial […]

Myofascial Yoga Free Information Night
Are you interested in learning more about myofascial yoga? Come join us for an hour of myofascial yoga followed by an hour of Q & A and discussion about the 200 hour Myofascial Yoga Teacher Training starting in February. Workshop Details Date: Wednesday January 5th Hours: 5:30 – 7:30pm (mountain time zone) Platform: zoom (click here to receive […]
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