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The answer is Love

I’d like to take a moment to talk about the gorilla at the Cincinnati zoo. Was it the mom’s fault? Was it the zoo’s fault? Was it the gorilla’s fault? You may not agree, but here’s the thing. It was no one’s fault.Before reacting to this issue, I decided I would do my research.Actually, before […]

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Spring classes 2016

Spring classes start March 3rd! Check the spring schedule here.   

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The Beauty you Love is You

Do you know that feeling you get, when it’s a beautiful day and so you go somewhere to be in nature? And you are sitting there in the calm breeze and gazing at your favorite mountain, or lake, or river or tree filled mossy patch … and something comes over you …   It’s subtle […]

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Hidden Language Yoga Series: The Warrior

  Virabhadrasana, or the warrior series of poses are great for strengthening and increasing flexibility in the hips and legs. More importantly the warrior poses help to connect us to the qualities of the warrior; like strength, focus, skill, courage and perseverance. Start with half warrior: Come into the table position on your hands and […]

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sun salutation

Life is Precious

I was once given a teaching in a dream that helped me understand the distinction between the permanent and the impermanent. The understanding of this dream enabled me to embrace life as it is. It showed me that all of life is transient, and I can be free to enjoy the ups in life without […]

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magic of crystal

The Anitdote to Victim is Choice

The antidote to the victim* mentality is conscious choice. Before you read this article any further, stop for a second and notice how those words made you feel. Did you choose those feelings or did they happen on their own? Noticing where and how feelings and emotions arise in us can be the key to […]

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The Freedom of Being: Tails of a Loving Dolphin Encounter

    Ever since childhood I have dreamed of swimming with dolphins. During my first retreat on the Big Island in Hawaii, I had the chance to snorkel near them in a local bay. Seeing wild dolphins up close was a life long dream fulfilled.   On my first day of snorkelling, the dolphins arrived; […]

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Register for online classes here

Please register in advance for the zoom meetings to acquire your password.   200-Hour Myofascial Yoga Teacher Training: Module 2: Myofascial Yoga Adjustments for Teachers Dates: February 15 & 26th Times: 10 am to 1 pm Saturday and Sunday (mountain) Click here to register via Zoom.   Module 3 & 10: Myofascial yoga practice session  Dates: March 25 […]

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Shamir S. Ladhani

Shamir S. Ladhani, P.Eng., M.Eng Shamir Ladhani is an international speaker and a transformational coach helping individuals “step out of their own way.” Growing up experiencing low self-esteem and feeling unworthy, he achieved mediocrity in life, education, and relationships. Shamir eventually overcame these personal limitations and delivered a straight-A performance in a graduate-level engineering program. […]

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