My personal chronic pain journey has led me to appreciate the power of being kind and gentle with my body. I just finished watching a video from the Fascia Research Congress on fascia and pain, and it was fascinating! Research is telling us that fascia is actually much more sensitive to pain than muscles are. […]

Befriending the shadows
As we move through the darkest days of the year, I often find myself wondering why it’s such a struggle for so many of us. Today I decided to try a sunrise hike on the solstice to celebrate the return of the lengthening days, and it hit me that at this time of year the […]

My journey up Mount Temple
I heard about Mount Temple when I first started hiking two years ago. The mere mention of the place sent an instant ‘zing’ in my body, and I just knew—with a deep powerful feeling—I had to find a way up there. I heard from various experienced hikers that it is “doable,” but at 3544 meters […]

Unapologetically Wild
There are times I struggle with feeling contained, like I’m just too big to squeeze down into a human body. There are times where it feels like everything in society is shouting at me: manicure this! tighten up that! polish more of this! melt that cellulite! tighten those wrinkles! bleach out those age spots! lose […]

Mountain Top Enlightenment
Spiritual evolution is often likened to the journey up a mountain. So often in this metaphor, the story ends at the top of the mountain, as if when we reach that final peak it’s The End, roll credits, happily ever after. As if somehow we can freeze time on this beautiful peak and stay in […]

My yoga Mantra this week: Smaller, Smarter, Stronger.
My dear friend Joanne Avison said recently that “Fascia loves micro-movements.” It is a timely message. As a yoga therapist I often hear feedback such as “I can’t do yoga because I’m not that flexible.” When did this practice become associated with such extreme ranges of movement that the average person feels they can’t […]

Get Started/Get Well Yoga Mentorship Program
I was having a conversation today with a young woman who has been looking into becoming a yoga teacher, but is feeling discouraged because no established yoga studios will hire a beginning teacher. This was sad to me; I felt her frustration. I, too, can sometimes feel the competitive and unfriendly atmosphere of the […]

Maternal Love: Into the Arms of Feminine Divine.
During my first trip to the big island of Hawaii, I had a powerful and mystical experience at the volcano. The Big Island has an active volcano, and is one of the few places on Earth where new land is being created moment to moment. I am often very sensitive to energies of land and […]

Are you an emotional weight lifter ?
Yesterday I wrote a blog post about the tragedy at the Cincinnati zoo. What I noticed was how difficult the situation was for people to handle emotionally. There were so many heavy and difficult feelings floating around. So I started to wonder: are we prepared to feel all of this? I am a yoga […]
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