Adjustments in yoga have become more and more commonplace in classes, but are we doing them properly? Find out how you can engage your student’s entire fascia system with hands-on adjustments during this module. YA credits are available for continuing CEUs, or it can be used toward your yoga teacher training certification.
“You are working with fascia whether you are aware of it or not. How much better could we do if we touched fascia consciously? Touch your clients with that awareness and your results will deepen.” -Thomas Myers
The importance of cueing in yoga.
Cueing is the making of verbal statements which direct our students to enter a certain pose. Too often, however, instructors are taught to simply rattle off “cookie cutter cueing” as if from a script. In this module participants will actually learn the intentions behind the poses they are directing, and how to cue these poses effectively, safely, and in a trauma-informed manner. The training will also cover the effects of yoga poses on the nervous system, particularly the way in which it affects pain levels and inflammation within the body.
This goal of this module is to impart not only the intention of each yoga pose (why we are doing it in the first place), but the action of each pose (flexion, extension etc), and its effects (increases hip mobility, quiets the nervous system, etc). Having your yoga poses itemized in this way makes the cueing much easier because you then understand exactly why you are doing the position, how it benefits you, and what you should be feeling as a result.
Some topics to be covered:
~ How to cue in yoga classes safely and effectively
~ How to adjust in yoga poses safely and effectively
~ Understanding the intention, action, and effect of each pose
~ How to encourage students to keep their practice optimal and safe
~ The four main ways to give adjustments and when to use them
~ How to engage the fascia system in the most effective way so that your adjustments yield the most beneficial results
~ When to adjust and when not to adjust
~ Fine-tuning your understanding of personal boundaries in yoga classes
~ How to read body language and track for trauma; learn when to give space, and when and how to adjust
~ What is inflammation and how does a mind-body practice influence levels of inflammation in the body?
Workshop Details
Dates: January 26th, 2025
Hours: Sunday 10 am to 3 pm live on zoom
Self Study Content: 6 hours self paced video, audio and other self study & practice guides are unlocked upon registration for each module.
Platform: zoom (click here to receive the login info)
Phone: 403-701-9567 (text messages are welcome)
Investment: Sliding scale fee $122 – $333*
Registration information:
*Workshops during the pandemic are being offered at a sliding scale fee. Please feel free to select a payment option that suits your current situation.
Register here: