Archive by Author

The Overview Effect

You may have seen this quote floating around from the article on William Shatner’s space trip by now: “My trip to space was supposed to be a celebration; instead, it felt like a funeral,” he wrote. “It was among the strongest feelings of grief I have ever encountered. The contrast between the vicious coldness of […]

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Larch Magic

Did you know that larch trees absorb the most nutrients through their needles just as they are turning yellow? Maybe this is one reason why walking through a field of yellowing larches feels so magical! Maybe we can feel their nourishment. Their satiety and contentment. Like a warm embrace or a gentle sigh, that feeling […]

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Neuroscience of Awe

Did you know that when you experience the emotion of awe that your default mode network quiets? What is the default mode network? The running theory is that the DMN is linked to our sense of self, and when our sense of self quiets we turn our focus toward social collectives and more altruistic goals. […]

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Fascia-Informed Reiki Bundles

Welcome to Fascia-Informed Reiki!  For those of you joining the certification program after the May 2022 start date you may want to purchase some past content. If you are interested in receiving all 3 certificates you will need to purchase the ‘expanded’ options. When selecting your bundle below, choose the condensed option if you would […]

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Myofascial Unwinding: What It Is and Why You Should Do It

What is Myofascial Unwinding? Myofascial unwinding is a term coined by John Barnes to describe a type of physical movement that comes from a higher intelligence which he often describes as a “feeling” (rather than a “thinking”) intelligence. I remember the first time I attended John’s unwinding seminar: I had a sort of epiphany where […]

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Mountain Tensegrity

I have a confession to make to you all– I am afraid of heights.     Yep, it’s true. And the word “afraid” is an understatement. I’m one of those hikers that slides down a slightly precarious down-slope on her bum while others casually step around me. I’m that hiker inching along on hands and knees […]

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Science of Breath

Do you love learning about fascia anatomy and functional movement? Have you been wondering about exactly how breath awareness and function stimulates the vagus nerve and calms the central nervous system? Are you a yoga teacher and curious about creative ways to cue for safety, connection and regulation? ~ Intuitively we’ve known for thousands of years […]

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My yoga Mantra this week: Smaller, Smarter, Stronger

My dear friend Joanne Sarah Avison said recently that “Fascia loves micro-movements.” It is a timely message. As a yoga therapist I often hear feedback such as “I can’t do yoga because I’m not that flexible.” When did this practice become associated with such extreme ranges of movement that the average person feels they can’t […]

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Fascia-Informed Reiki: Level 1 ~ Trauma-Informed Touch and the Fascia Upgrade

It’s finally here! All three levels of the Fascia-Informed Reiki course is back! This will be an online course available for live stream. The in-person option is currently full, but you can message me to be put on the wait list in case a spot opens. All workshops will be recorded and replays available for you to […]

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Inside Out Yoga Adjustments

Often when we hear the term “yoga adjustment” we picture something hands on, externally focused, and with the overall intention of fixing something that’s gone wrong in a yoga pose. Taking a good look at the wonderful world of fascia means approaching yoga poses in a backward and inverse way from what we are used […]

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